The INTEGRATE Joint Action seeks to increase integrated early diagnosis and linkage to prevention and care of HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and STIs in EU Member States by 2020. Integrate offers a platform to disseminate and exchange best practices among Member States and facilitate the discussions on innovations and emerging issues within these four diseases. Existing tools for prevention, testing and linkage to care for HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and STIs will be evaluated, adapted, extended and implemented for one or more of the four diseases in selected pilot countries. It is a shared European effort that aspires to extend beyond the partners to create important synergies across European stakeholders, projects and initiatives.
The INTEGRATE Joint Action harmonizes 29 partners from public health institutions, hospitals (infectious disease and research departments), NGOs and universities from 16 countries Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, UK and Serbia.